Friday, January 23, 2009

Assignment # 6: William Hall

*William Hall was a free African Canadian. He was born at Hurton's Bluff, Nova Scotia. His parents were extremely poor so he decided to ship out and serve in the Marines. He served in the Marines for six years. Later, he volunteered for the Royal Navy at Liverpool England, 1852.

*On 16 November 1857, at a town of Lucknow, British naval guns were brought up to the Shah Nujeff mosque. The gun crews kept a steady fire so they could try to break through the walls of the mosque. The mutineers threw a lot of grenades and musket balls which caused a lot of casualties for the gunners. William Hall and the lieutenant who was in charge were the only survivors so they decided to fire all the guns they had and that won the battle. For this act, William Hall, became the first Black Canadian to be awarded the Victoria Cross.
* William Hall remained with the Navy until he retired in 1876. He was buried in Nova Scotia and his Victoria Cross is preserved in the Nova Scotia Museum.

Here are links to the websites i visited that helped me with this blog:


Unknown said...

Nice blog about William Hall and what his importance was but maybe you could describe what caused the mutineers to go ape crazy. Good job overall.

Response by TimL

P.S Couldn't be better.

Unknown said...

Hey FirFir, maybe you should make a blog dediocated to the joker.

Suggestion by TimL

Unknown said...

Hey Firas since im not there, can yyou tell Tale ASAP that his background is disabling the ability to be able to post comments on all his blogs. It could endanger his mark :(

Warning by TimL

P.S Who else do you think will be part f the top 20 african - canadian article?