Thursday, January 15, 2009

Assignment # 4

This is a blog entry from assignment #4, Linking Back To Your Peers. What I'm supposed to do is read 3 of my friend's blogs and write about them in a positive way in a blog entry, then put a link to there blogs.

-Hello. I have read Hasan's blog on what the world will look like in 100 years. I think it was pretty good. I liked his ideas a lot. My favorite was this one "maybe they'll find a cure for cancer", which I hope they do as they have been trying that for so many years without getting into a solution. He also did put in more ideas on what might happen in a hundred years which are " students will stop using textbook and use blogs instead. Maybe scientists will find a solution for global warming, or maybe we will be able to live on other planets like mars. " Over all he did a good job. Here is a link to his blog

- The second blog entry I check was Andrew's. I think he did a good job. He had some really great ideas such as " we will use garbage for fuel like in Back to the Future 2." This will solve the problem of using less fuel. As we know, fuel is going to get scarce very soon. He also did say that a lot of diseases would be cured and a lot of inventions would be invented but I think he could have been more specific on which ones he meant. He also did say that Batman will beet Spiderman in the annual superhero contest, which in my opinion is correct. To see his blog, click this.

-Finally, I checked out Emily's blog on what she think the world will look like in 100 years and it is great. She had a very good list of logical things that could happen. Here is my favorite from her list: " Live on Mars, since rumors indicate that apparently there has been a form of life on Mars". A really interesting point she came up with is " Someday, a person will invent water-powered car that doesn't cause pollution." which is really cool. This as I mentioned before will solve the issue of running short of fuel shortly. To check out her blog, click this.

This is my assignment # 4. Hope you like it ( especially you Ms. Pollock )


Firas D. said...
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Shauna Pollock said...
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Shauna Pollock said...

Much better!

Thank you for following the instructions!