Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Assignment #3: Canada 100 years later.

*For this assignment, I was supposed to read Christopher Moore's blog and answer his question which is: what do you think Canada will look like in a hundred years?

*I have just finished reading Christopher's blog on To the Nines: reviewing the centuries. I think that his blog was good. He used a lot of information to tell us about the centuries from before. To answer your question Christopher, here are some ideas on what I think might happen in a hundred years.

* First of all, I think that the technology in the world will be very advanced. For example, robots would be made for things like doing house work to doing very difficult surgeries. Many people wouldn't have to go to work because they would be using the computer to work and at the same time they would be saving the environment because they wouldn't be using a lot of fuel to get to work. I also think that men and women would be able to visit Mars in very advanced and fast space shuttles. Also, people might not use cars to travel but instead flying machines. Travel would be much more faster, easier, and relaxing due to the invention of very advanced air crafts.
Genetic science would be much more advanced all around the world in a hundred years. Fuel is probably going to run out so people will go into finding other energy sources for all uses such as solar energy and nuclear energy.

* Other than advanced technology, I think that Canada will have a higher population for the following reason. Canada's temperature has been increasing in the past years which mean that in a hundred years, the temperature would be very good for people from around the world to enjoy due to increasing spread of deserts to many regions of the world. That would make some places in Canada that has no people in it populate. Therefore population might grow from 25 million to 500 million people.

* Since Barack Obama is now the first African-American president in history, I think that racism would decrease in the world. Minorities will have better chances in possessing important posts in Canada and around the world. Less wars would start and the wars will end sooner. Hunger will decrease in poor countries due to increase intervention of richer countries.

Hope you enjoyed it.


Shauna Pollock said...
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amitj said...

Quick summary of your ideas. Good job!

Carly M♥ said...

I like your blog because you used alot of your imagination! keep it up!

Unknown said...

It may be short but it gets your points across nicely! There might be no flying cars by 2012 if doomsday happens but I'm hoping that won't happen!

Response by TimL

Check out my blog about what'll happen a 100 years!

Firas D. said...
